Which is the mount server component used?
Correct Answer:D
What is the main advantage of using the Backup from Storage Snapshots feature?
Correct Answer:D
The backup process is going to take the same amount of time, but the commit operation of the vmware snapshot has shorter duration when working with storage snapshots
Which is a prerequisite in order for the CRC check to be executed during a SureBackup Job?
Correct Answer:B
Which recovery verification tests can be executed when verifying both backups and replicas? Choose three options.
Correct Answer:ABC
What is the advantage to using the Veeam Advanced Data Fetcher during a backup job?
Correct Answer:A
A virtual machine in your environment has been hit by a virus. You need to restore the virtual machine as fast as possible. At the same time, you need to make sure that any dormant virus on the backed up virtual machine is detected. What restore method should you use when recovering to a new location?
Correct Answer:B