Question 7

Who is on the Scrum Team? (choose all that apply)

Correct Answer:ABC
The Scrum Team consists of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers. Within a Scrum Team, there are no sub-teams or hierarchies. It is a cohesive unit of professionals focused on one objective at a time, the Product Goal. The Scrum Master is accountable for establishing Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory and practice, both within the Scrum Team and the organization. The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. They are responsible for creating and communicating a vision, ordering the Product Backlog, and ensuring that the best possible job is done to delight customers. The Developers are the people in the Scrum Team that are committed to delivering a “Done” Increment that meets the Definition of Done and the Sprint Goal. They are responsible for managing and organizing their work within the Sprint, collaborating with the Product Owner and the Scrum Master, and applying their skills and creativity to create a product that delivers value to the stakeholders and customers. A Project Manager is not a role in the Scrum Team, as Scrum does not recognize titles for Developers, regardless of the work being performed by the person. There is no need for a Project Manager, as the Scrum Team is self-managing and accountable for delivering value.
✑ The Scrum Guide
✑ The Scrum Team
✑ Professional Scrum Product Owner™ I Certification

Question 8

What are the two responsibilities of testers in a Scrum Team? (choose the best two answers)

Correct Answer:BD
✑ Scrum is a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products.
Scrum defines three roles: the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Developers. Scrum does not have any other roles or titles, such as “tester”, “analyst”, “designer”, or “architect”.
✑ The Developers are the people in the Scrum Team who are accountable for creating a “Done” Increment that meets the Definition of Done each Sprint. The Developers are responsible for planning and executing the Sprint Backlog, designing and building the product functionality, testing and improving the product quality, and delivering a potentially releasable Increment. The Developers work closely with the Product Owner to understand and clarify the Product Backlog items, provide feedback and estimates, and suggest improvements and innovations.
✑ The Developers are responsible for quality, not just for programming. Quality is not something that can be added or verified after the product is built. Quality is something that must be built into the product from the start, by following good practices, standards, and principles. Quality is also something that must be inspected and adapted continuously, by applying feedback loops, testing methods, and improvement actions.
✑ The Developers are not divided into sub-teams or sub-roles based on their skills or specialties. The Developers are a cross-functional and self-organizing team that has all the skills and capabilities needed to create a valuable product Increment. The Developers collaborate and coordinate their work as one unit, without any hand-offs or silos.
✑ The Developers may have different backgrounds or expertise, such as testing, analysis, design, or architecture. However, these are not separate roles or responsibilities in Scrum. They are part of the collective accountability and responsibility of the Developers as a whole. The Developers may perform different tasks or activities based on their skills or preferences, but they are all equally responsible for delivering a high-quality product Increment.
✑ Scrum Guide:
✑ Developers:
✑ Quality:

Question 9

In the middle of the Sprint, the customer decides that there are two new features she wants.
The Product Owner could: (choose the best two answers)

Correct Answer:BC
✑ The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is responsible for managing and refining the Product Backlog, collaborating with the stakeholders and the Developers, and ordering the items in a way that best achieves goals and missions. The Product Owner represents the interests of everyone with a stake in the product and ensures that the Scrum Team works on the right things at the right time.
✑ The Developers are accountable for creating a “Done” Increment that meets the Definition of Done each Sprint. The Developers are responsible for planning and executing the Sprint Backlog, designing and building the product functionality, testing and improving the product quality, and delivering a potentially releasable Increment. The Developers work closely with the Product Owner to understand and clarify the Product Backlog items, provide feedback and estimates, and suggest improvements and innovations.
✑ A Sprint is a timebox of one month or less within which a “Done” product Increment is created. A Sprint consists of the Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, the development work, the Sprint Review, and the Sprint Retrospective. A Sprint is also a feedback loop that allows the Scrum Team and the stakeholders to inspect and adapt the product and the process.
✑ The Sprint Goal is a short statement of what the Scrum Team intends to achieve during a Sprint. It provides guidance and direction for the Scrum Team, as well as a basis for inspecting and adapting the product and the process. The Sprint Goal is aligned with the product vision and goals, and it reflects the value and purpose of the Sprint.
✑ In the middle of a Sprint, if a customer decides that there are two new features she wants, there are two possible ways that a Product Owner could handle this situation:
✑ The other options are not valid or relevant ways that a Product Owner could handle this situation. They are either too disruptive, impractical, or irrelevant. They are:
✑ Scrum Guide:
✑ Product Owner:
✑ Developers:
✑ Sprint:
✑ Sprint Goal:
✑ Daily Scrum:
✑ Scrum Master:

Question 10

Which two ways of creating Scrum Teams are consistent with Scrum's values? (choose the best two answers)

Correct Answer:AC

Question 11

True or False: Product Owners must specify complete acceptance criteria for a Product Backlog item before the Developers can select the item in Sprint Planning.

Correct Answer:B
Answer- False
Very Short Explanation: According to, the Product Owner is not required to
create clear and unambiguous acceptance criteria for each item in the product’s backlog before it can be selected in Sprint Planning1. Acceptance Criteria is optional and is not prescribed by Scrum12. It can be valuable, but it’s not a must12. The Developers can inspect and adapt the Sprint Backlog in any way they see fit, in order to help meet the Sprint Goal2.

Question 12

The Developers find out during the Sprint that they are not likely to build everything they forecast. What would you expect a Product Owner to do?
(choose the best answer)

Correct Answer:D
If the Developers find out during the Sprint that they are not likely to build everything they forecast, the best response from the Product Owner is to re-work the selected Product Backlog items with the Developers to meet the Sprint Goal. This is because:
✑ The Sprint Goal is a short-term objective that provides guidance and focus to the Scrum Team throughout the Sprint. It is a flexible and negotiable commitment that can be adjusted as more is learned throughout the Sprint.
✑ The Developers are accountable for creating a “Done” Increment in every Sprint.
They must ensure that every Product Backlog item they work on meets the Definition of Done before it is considered complete.
✑ The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. They must inspect the Increment at the end of each Sprint and assess how it delivers value and contributes to the Product Goal.
✑ The Product Owner and the Developers must collaborate closely throughout the Sprint to ensure that they have a shared understanding of what they are building and why. The Product Owner must provide clarifications, feedback, and guidance to the Developers as needed to help them create a valuable Increment.
✑ If the Developers find out during the Sprint that they are not likely to build everything they forecast, it means that there is a gap between their initial plan and their actual progress. This may happen due to various reasons, such as new insights, changing requirements, technical challenges, or unforeseen circumstances.
✑ In this situation, the Product Owner should work with the Developers to re-work the selected Product Backlog items to meet the Sprint Goal. This may involve adding, removing, or modifying some items, as long as they still support the Sprint Goal and deliver value. The Product Owner should also communicate any changes or impacts to the stakeholders and customers as appropriate.
Other options, such as skipping Product Backlog refinement activities, informing management that more Developers are needed, changing the Sprint Goal, or canceling the Sprint, are not valid responses from the Product Owner as they do not reflect what should happen in Scrum or how to deal with uncertainty and complexity.
✑ [Scrum Guide], page 15, section “Sprint Goal”
✑ [Scrum Guide], page 7, section “Developers”
✑ [Scrum Guide], page 6, section “Product Owner”
✑ [Scrum Guide], page 10, section “Definition of Done”
✑ [Scrum Guide], page 10, section “Increment”
✑ [Scrum Guide], page 10, section “Product Goal”