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iSQI CTFL-PT: ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level-Performance Testing

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Question 1

Which of the situations test adheres to general performance testing principles?

Correct Answer:D

Question 2

Which of the following Is a valid reason for aggregating performance test results?

Correct Answer:A

Question 3

Which of thefollowing protocols would allow a test script tointeract with a database management system directly?

Correct Answer:B

Question 4

What statement is TRUE regarding the security policies provided by Nuage VCS?

Correct Answer:A

Question 5

You have beenasked to test the performance ofa software and system update to a North American mobile trivia quiz game application.The quiz app is available on major app stores serving English-speaking users.The number of concurrent users planned for is 5 million Winning quiz participants are promiseda share of an allocated cash prize Once participants start playing, their quiz sessions must not be lost especially if all previous questions were answered correctly. The application owner wants to ensure that 99% of quiz sessions are maintained (up to 4.95 million sessions) until the last answer has been successfully recorded.
An essential operational profile you identified is the quiz participant Your operational profile discovery efforts have yielded a number of profile attributes A quiz participant will answer twelve questions if they manage to answer the first eleven correctly Every user is made aware of a new question nearly simultaneously.The quiz user has limited time to respond using a mobile application.They are unable to respond to subsequent questions after they incorrectly answer a question. However, the quiz participant continues to see new questions even though they may have responded incorrectly to a previous question. If they manage to answer all twelve questions correctly, the quiz application notifies them that they have tentatively won (subject to formal verification) an equal share of a cash prize of an amount set for the particular quiz event In addition to this individualized interaction, a broadcast video stream is presented in the quiz app providing entertaining commentary, quiz event coordination event status and answer explanations.
Given this information, what is missing to construct the operational profile for the quiz participant?

Correct Answer:A

Question 6

Which of the following performance tests could be best considered to be the opposite to the endurance test when comparing the duration of the tests?

Correct Answer:B