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Linux-Foundation CKS: Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Exam

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Question 1

Secrets stored in the etcd is not secure at rest, you can use the etcdctl command utility to find the secret value for e.g:ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get /registry/secrets/default/cks-secret --cacert="ca.crt" --cert="server.crt"
--key="server.key" Output
CKS dumps exhibit
Using the Encryption Configuration, Create the manifest, which secures the resource secrets using the provider AES-CBC and identity, to encrypt the secret-data at rest and ensure all secrets are encrypted with the new configuration.
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Correct Answer:A

Question 2

Create a new NetworkPolicy named deny-all in the namespace testing which denies all traffic of type ingress and egress traffic
You can create a "default" isolation policy for a namespace by creating a NetworkPolicy that selects all pods but does not allow any ingress traffic to those pods.
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-deny-ingress
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
You can create a "default" egress isolation policy for a namespace by creating a NetworkPolicy that selects all pods but does not allow any egress traffic from those pods.
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-all-egress
podSelector: {}
- {}
- Egress
Default deny all ingress and all egress trafficYou can create a "default" policy for a namespace which prevents all ingress AND egress traffic by creating the following NetworkPolicy in that namespace.
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: default-deny-all
podSelector: {}
- Ingress
- Egress
This ensures that even pods that aren't selected by any other NetworkPolicy will not be allowed ingress or egress traffic.

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Correct Answer:A

Question 3

Use the kubesec docker images to scan the given YAML manifest, edit and apply the advised changes, and passed with a score of 4 points.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kubesec-demo
- name: kubesec-demo
Hint: docker run -i kubesec/kubesec:512c5e0 scan /dev/stdin< kubesec-test.yaml
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Correct Answer:A

Question 4

* a. Retrieve the content of the existing secret named default-token-xxxxx in the testing namespace.
Store the value of the token in the token.txt
* b. Create a new secret named test-db-secret in the DB namespace with the following content: username: mysql
password: password@123
Create the Pod name test-db-pod of image nginx in the namespace db that can access test-db-secret via a volume at path /etc/mysql-credentials
To add a Kubernetes cluster to your project, group, or instance:
Navigate to your:
Project’s Operations > Kubernetes
page, for a project-level cluster.
Group’s Kubernetes
page, for a group-level cluster.
Admin Area > Kubernetes
page, for an instance-level cluster.
Click Add Kubernetes cluster.
Click the Add existing cluster
tab and fill in the details:
Kubernetes cluster name (required) - The name you wish to give the cluster.
Environment scope (required) - The associated environment to this cluster.
API URL (required) - It’s the URL that GitLab uses to access the Kubernetes API. Kubernetes exposes several APIs, we want the “base” URL that is common to all of them. For
example, rather than
Get the API URL by running this command:
kubectl cluster-info | grep-E'Kubernetes master|Kubernetes control plane'| awk'/http/ {print $NF}'
CA certificate (required) - A valid Kubernetes certificate is needed to authenticate to the cluster.
We use the certificate created by default.
List the secrets with kubectl get secrets, and one should be named similar to default-token-xxxxx. Copy that token name for use below.
Get the certificate by running this command: kubectl get secret -ojsonpath="{['data']['ca.crt']}"

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Correct Answer:A

Question 5

use the Trivy to scan the following images,
* 1. amazonlinux:1
* 2.
Look for images with HIGH or CRITICAL severity vulnerabilities and store the output of the same in
Send us your suggestion on it.

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Correct Answer:A

Question 6

Given an existing Pod named test-web-pod running in the namespace test-system
Edit the existing Role bound to the Pod's Service Account named sa-backend to only allow performing get operations on endpoints.
Create a new Role named test-system-role-2 in the namespace test-system, which can perform patch operations, on resources of type statefulsets.
Create a new RoleBinding named test-system-role-2-binding binding the newly created Role to the Pod's ServiceAccount sa-backend.
Send us your feedback on this.

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A