A Kubernetes worker node, namedwk8s-node-0is in stateNotReady.Investigate why this is the case, andperform any appropriate steps tobring the node to aReadystate,ensuring that any changes are madepermanent.
You cansshto the failednode using:
[student@node-1] $ | sshWk8s-node-0
You can assume elevatedprivileges on the node with thefollowing command:
[student@w8ks-node-0] $ |sudo ?Ci
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Correct Answer:A
For this item, you will havetosshto the nodesik8s-master-0andik8s-node-0and complete all tasks on thesenodes. Ensure that you return tothe base node (hostname:node-1) when you havecompleted this item.
As an administrator of a smalldevelopment team, you have beenasked to set up a Kubernetes clusterto test the viability of a newapplication.
You must usekubeadmto performthis task. Anykubeadminvocationswill require the use of the
--ignore-preflight-errors=alloption. Configure thenodeik8s-master-Oas a masternode. .
Join the nodeik8s-node-otothe cluster.
You must use thekubeadmconfiguration file located at/etc/kubeadm.confwhen initializingyour cluster.
You may use any CNI pluginto complete this task, but ifyou don't have your favouriteCNI plugin's manifest URL athand, Calico is one popularoption:https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.14/manifests/calico.yaml
Docker is already installedon both nodes andapthasbeen configured so that you caninstall the required tools.
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Correct Answer:A
Create a pod namedkucc8with asingle app container for each of the
following images running inside(there may be between 1 and 4images specified): nginx + redis + memcached.
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Correct Answer:A
Create a deployment as follows: Name:nginx-random
Exposed via a servicenginx-random
Ensure that the service & podare accessible via theirrespective DNS records
The container(s) within anypod(s) running as a part of thisdeployment should use thenginxImage
Next, use the utilitynslookupto lookup the DNS records of the service &pod and write the output to
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Correct Answer:A
Create a pod that having 3 containers in it? (Multi-Container)
image=nginx, image=redis, image=consul Name nginx container as ??nginx-container?? Name redis container as ??redis-container?? Name consul container as ??consul-container??
Create a pod manifest file for a container and append container section for rest of the images
kubectl run multi-container --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx -- dry-run -o yaml > multi-container.yaml
# then
vim multi-container.yaml apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod metadata: labels:
run: multi-container name: multi-container spec:
- image: nginx
name: nginx-container
- image: redis
name: redis-container
- image: consul
name: consul-container
restartPolicy: Always
Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:A
Create a Kubernetes secret asfollows: Name: super-secret
password: bob
Create a pod namedpod-secrets-via-file, using theredisImage, which mounts a secret namedsuper-secretat
Create a second pod namedpod-secrets-via-env, using theredisImage, which exportspasswordas
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Does this meet the goal?
Correct Answer:A