A query should include
Correct Answer:D
A query should include relevant clinical indicators from the health record that support the need for clarification and the query options. Clinical indicators are objective and measurable signs, symptoms, laboratory results, diagnostic test results, medications, treatments, and other documented findings that are related to a specific diagnosis or condition. Information from previous encounters, the impact on quality, and the impact of reimbursement are not appropriate to include in a query, as they may introduce bias, lead the provider, or imply a desired response.
Educating physicians on severity of illness and risk of mortality is best accomplished by utilizing
Correct Answer:C
Educating physicians on severity of illness and risk of mortality is best accomplished by using case studies that demonstrate how documentation affects these indicators and how they impact patient care, quality outcomes, and reimbursement.
References: AHIMA. ??CDIP Exam Preparation.?? AHIMA Press, Chicago, IL, 2017: 97-98.
When queries are part of the health record, which of the following physician privilege could be suspended if the provider receives too many deficiencies due to incomplete records for failure to respond to queries?
Correct Answer:A
When queries are part of the health record, which is recommended by AHIMA and ACDIS, physicians are responsible for responding to queries in a timely manner and ensuring that their documentation is complete and accurate. If a provider receives too many deficiencies due to incomplete records for failure to respond to queries, their admitting privilege could be suspended by the medical staff committee as a disciplinary action.
References: AHIMA/ACDIS. ??Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice (2019 Update).?? Journal of AHIMA 90, no. 2 (February 2019): 20-29.
A 100-year-old female presents to the emergency department with altered mental state and a 3-day history of productive cough, shortness of breath, and fever after a witnessed aspiration 3 days ago. The patient lives in custodial care at a nearby skilled nursing facility. Patient was treated with Augmentin at the facility without improvement. Exam is notable for Tc 38.9, blood pressure 142/78, respiratory rate 28, pulse 91. There is accessory muscle use with breathing. Patient is moaning and disoriented but otherwise the neurologic exam is nonfocal.
Labs notable for sodium 126, creatinine 0.5. white blood count 17.5, hemoglobin 13, platelet 200. venous blood gas 7.44/32/45/-3
Chest x-ray shows bilateral lower lobe infiltrates and dense right lower lobe consolidation. Patient is placed on bilevel positive airway pressure and given vancomycin, pip/tazo, levofloxacin.
Discharge Diagnosis: health care associated pneumonia (HCAP), respiratory distress, altered mental status, low sodium
Which list of diagnoses require a post-discharge query that will result in a more specific principal diagnosis with the highest level of severity of illness and risk of mortality?
Correct Answer:C
A post-discharge query is needed to obtain a more specific principal diagnosis with the highest level of severity of illness (SOI) and risk of mortality (ROM) for this patient. The discharge diagnosis of health care associated pneumonia (HCAP) is not specific enough to capture the etiology, site, and severity of the pneumonia. Based on the clinical indicators in the case scenario, such as the history of aspiration, the chest x-ray findings, the elevated white blood count, the fever, and the antibiotic treatment, a more specific diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia would be appropriate. Aspiration pneumonia is a type of pneumonia that occurs when foreign material, such as food or vomit, is inhaled into the lungs, causing inflammation and infection. Aspiration pneumonia has a higher SOI and ROM than HCAP because it is associated with more complications and poorer outcomes 1.
Additionally, the discharge diagnosis of altered mental status is vague and does not reflect the underlying cause or severity of the condition. Based on the clinical indicators in the case scenario, such as the fever, the low sodium level, the moaning and disorientation, and the venous blood gas results, a more specific diagnosis of septic encephalopathy would be appropriate. Septic encephalopathy is a type of delirium that occurs when sepsis affects the brain function, causing confusion, agitation, or reduced consciousness. Septic encephalopathy has a higher SOI and ROM than altered mental status because it indicates a systemic inflammatory response and multi-organ dysfunction 2.
Furthermore, the discharge diagnosis of respiratory distress is also vague and does not reflect the underlying cause or severity of the condition. Based on the clinical indicators in the case scenario, such as the shortness of breath, the accessory muscle use, the respiratory rate, and the bilevel positive airway pressure treatment, a more specific diagnosis of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure would be appropriate. Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure is a type of respiratory failure that occurs when there is insufficient oxygen exchange in the lungs, causing low oxygen levels in the blood. Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure has a higher SOI and ROM than respiratory distress because it indicates a life-threatening condition that requires mechanical ventilation or oxygen therapy 3. Finally, based on the clinical indicators in the case scenario, such as the fever, the elevated white blood count, and the antibiotic treatment, a diagnosis of sepsis should also be included in the query. Sepsis is a serious complication of infection that occurs when the body??s immune system overreacts to an infection and causes widespread inflammation and organ damage. Sepsis has a high SOI and ROM because it can lead to septic shock or death if not treated promptly 4.
Therefore, a post-discharge query should ask the provider to confirm or rule out aspiration pneumonia, hyponatremia (low sodium level), septic encephalopathy, and sepsis with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure as possible diagnoses for this patient. These diagnoses would result in a more specific principal diagnosis with the highest level of SOI and ROM for this patient.
✑ CDIP® Exam Content Outline (https://www.ahima.org/media/1z0x0x1a/cdip-exam- content-outline.pdf)
✑ Aspiration Pneumonia - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics1
✑ Septic Encephalopathy - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics2
✑ Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics3
✑ Sepsis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic4
Which entity has the following regulation?
A medical history and physical examination be completed and documented for each patient no more than 30 days before or 24 hours after admission or registration, but
prior to surgery or a procedure requiring anesthesia services.
Correct Answer:A
The entity that has the following regulation is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which is the federal agency that oversees the Medicare and Medicaid programs and sets the Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) for health care organizations that participate in these programs. The regulation that requires a medical history and physical examination be completed and documented for each patient no more than 30 days before or 24 hours after admission or registration, but prior to surgery or a procedure requiring anesthesia services, is part of the CoPs for Hospitals, which are located in 42 CFR ?? 482.24. This regulation was revised in 2007 to align with the Joint Commission??s standard and to provide more flexibility and consistency for hospitals and practitioners. (CDIP Exam Preparation Guide)
✑ CDIP Exam Content Outline1
✑ CDIP Exam Preparation Guide2
✑ 42 CFR ?? 482.243
Which of the following is the definition of an Excludes 2 note in ICD-10-CM?
Correct Answer:B
An Excludes 2 note in ICD-10-CM indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code, but a patient may have both conditions at the same time. When an Excludes 2 note appears under a code, it is acceptable to use both the code and the excluded code together to completely describe the condition. For example, under code R05 Cough, there is an Excludes 2 note for whooping cough (A37.-). This means that a patient can have both a cough and whooping cough at the same time, and both codes can be used together to capture the full clinical picture.
✑ CDIP® Exam Content Outline (https://www.ahima.org/media/1z0x0x1a/cdip-exam- content-outline.pdf)
✑ ICD-10-CM Features | Diagnosis Coding: Using the ICD-10-CM1