What is not a valid authentication mechanism in Kafka?
Correct Answer:C
Learn more about security herehttps://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#security
Which of the following statements are true regarding the number of partitions of a topic?
Correct Answer:C
We can only add partitions to an existing topic, and it must be done using the kafka- topics.sh command
Your manager would like to have topic availability over consistency. Which setting do you need to change in order to enable that?
Correct Answer:B
unclean.leader.election.enable=true allows non ISR replicas to become leader, ensuring availability but losing consistency as data loss will occur
Which of the following is not an Avro primitive type?
Correct Answer:D
date is a logical type
What is a generic unique id that I can use for messages I receive from a consumer?
Correct Answer:B
(Topic,Partition,Offset) uniquely identifies a message in Kafka
A Zookeeper ensemble contains 5 servers. What is the maximum number of servers that can go missing and the ensemble still run?
Correct Answer:C
majority consists of 3 zk nodes for 5 nodes zk cluster, so 2 can fail