What role or access do users need to act on a signal to reset a baseline or dismiss a signal?
Correct Answer:B
Users with the admin, pa_admin, or pa_kpi_signal_admin role can reset a baseline or dismiss a signal without being a responsible user.
Users with other roles must become responsible users to take such actions. These users also need a role that gives them access to a relevant workspace.
You can assign responsibility for KPI Signals for a KPI to yourself or someone else. You can also unassign responsibility.
Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-now-intelligence/page/use/par-for- workspace/concept/kpi-signals-responsible-users.html
What 'related lists' are available on the formula indicator form? (Choose three.)
Correct Answer:ABC
Here are the available related lists on the baseline configuration when navigating to the Formula Indicators form: Breakdowns, Contributing Indicators, Time series exclusions, Targets, Thresholds, and Diagnostic Results.
??Signals?? is not an out-of-the-box related list on the Formula Indicators form.
Use the Contributing indicators related list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their indicator sources. If you include another formula indicator in the formula, both that indicator and its contributing indicators are listed.
Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-now- intelligence/page/use/performance-analytics/task/t_CreateAFormulaIndicator.html
Which of the following can be used across all the visualisations in a workspace?
Correct Answer:D
Create a single User Experience filter for use across all the visualisations in a workspace. The filter you create is available in the workspace in which you created it.
For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters.
Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-servicenow- platform/page/administer/workspace/task/create-user-exp-filters.html
How should an admin activate the KPI Signals?
Correct Answer:C
You no longer have to activate the KPI Signals (com.snc.pa.kpi_signals) plugin. It is active by default.
If you do not want this feature, request a Now Platform administrator to set the property com.snc.pa.activate_kpi_signals to false. Because this property does not exist by default, the administrator must add it.
If you reactivate KPI Signals, signal detection resumes from the time you originally deactivated the feature, not from the time you reactivated it.
Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-now-intelligence/page/use/par-for- workspace/concept/process-behavior-charts-for-kpis.html
Which system property enables an administrator to allow specified user roles to select
Correct Answer:B
par_vis_config.data_source.can_select_indicator property specifies roles (comma- separated) which can select indicators as data sources from the Data Visualisation configuration panel. If empty, all users can select the indicator sources that they have access to.
Type: string
Default value: empty
Location: System Property [sys_properties] table com.snc.pa.dc.max_row_count_indicator_source property sets the maximum number of rows allowed to be fetched from an Indicator Source. glide.source_control.checksum_required property allows you to enable optional checksum validations and sanitisations.
glide.knowman.search.apply_role_based_security property honours read access to knowledge bases or articles specified for roles if set to true. If false, it enables specified user criteria to override read access specified for roles.
Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-platform- administration/page/administer/reference- pages/reference/r_AvailableSystemProperties.html
Which of the following statements are true about creating User Experience filters? (Choose three.)
Correct Answer:ABD
You can create a single filter for use across all the visualisations in a workspace. Creating User Experience filters requires admin access.
The filter you create is available in the workspace in which you created it.
For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters.
Reference:https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-servicenow- platform/page/administer/workspace/task/create-user-exp-filters.html