Question 13

Which method call returns true only if the currently logged in user has the catalog_admin role and in no other case?

Correct Answer:B
The method call that returns true only if the currently logged in user has the catalog_admin role and in no other case is g_user.hasRoleExactly(‘catalog_admin’). This method checks if the user has exactly one role, and returns true if it matches the argument. The other methods return true if the user has one or more roles, or if the user has any role from a list of arguments. References: [ServiceNow Docs - GlideUser API], [ServiceNow Community - Difference between hasRole() and hasRoleExactly()]
Reference: id=community_QUESTION

Question 14

When configuring the content of an Email Notification, which syntax should be used to reference the properties of an event triggering the Notification?

Correct Answer:A p/695221
Reference: id=community_QUESTION
When configuring the content of an Email Notification, the following syntax should be used to reference the properties of an event triggering the Notification:
event..Thisisthecorrectsyntaxtoaccessthepropertiesoftheeventrecordthattri ggeredtheEmailNotification,,event.parm1,orevent.parm2.Forexample,{ev ent.parm1} will display the value of the first parameter of the event.
The following syntaxes are not correct for referencing the properties of an event triggering the Notification:
current..Thisisthesyntaxtoaccessthepropertiesofthecurrentrecordthatisasso ciatedwiththeevent,suchascurrent.number,current.shortd escription,orcurrent.state.Forexample,{current.short_description} will display the short description of the current record.
${property name>.getDisplayValue()}. This is the syntax to access the display value of a property of the current record, such as current.state.getDisplayValue(), current.assigned_to.getDisplayValue(), or current.category.getDisplayValue(). For example, current.state.getDisplayValue() will display the state of the current record in a human-readable format, such as New, In Progress, or Closed.
${gs.}. This is the syntax to access the properties of the GlideSystem (gs) object, which provides methods for performing system operations, such as, gs.getUserID(), or gs.getProperty(). For example, will display the current date and time of the system. References: Email Notifications, Email Notification Variables

Question 15

In a Business Rule, which one of the following returns the sys_id of the currently logged in user?

Correct Answer:D development/page/app-store/dev_portal/API_reference/glideSystemScoped/concept/ ml

Question 16

Which of the following is NOT a trigger type in Flow Designer?

Correct Answer:A
See list of triggers on right hand side of this webpage: US/bundle/tokyo-application-development/page/administer/flow-designer/reference/flow- triggers.html
The trigger types in Flow Designer are Application, Record, Schedule, and

Question 17

Which one of the following database operations cannot be controlled with Application Access?

Correct Answer:D
Application Access is a feature that allows you to control the access level of other application scopes to your application’s data tables. You can use Application Access to control the following database operations:
✑ Create: This operation allows the user to create new records on the table. You can
enable or disable this operation by selecting or clearing the Can create option.
✑ Delete: This operation allows the user to delete existing records on the table. You can enable or disable this operation by selecting or clearing the Can delete option.
✑ Read: This operation allows the user to view the records on the table. You can
enable or disable this operation by selecting or clearing the Can read option.
✑ Write: This operation allows the user to modify the records on the table. You can enable or disable this operation by selecting or clearing the Can write option.
The one database operation that cannot be controlled with Application Access is Query. Query is not an operation, but a method of the GlideRecord class that is used to retrieve records from the database on the server-side. Query is not part of the Application Access rules, but it is affected by the Access Controls and the user’s roles.
✑ Application Access
✑ [GlideRecord methods]

Question 18

Which script types execute on the server? (Choose three.)

Correct Answer:ADE