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AHIP AHM-250: Healthcare Management: An Introduction

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Question 1

- (Topic 1)
Bart Vereen is insured by both a traditional indemnity health insurance plan, which is his primary plan, and a managed care plan. Both plans have a typical coordination of benefits (COB) provision, but neither plan has a nonduplication of benefits provision

Correct Answer:A

Question 2

- (Topic 1)
In assessing the potential degree of risk represented by a proposed insured, a health underwriter considers the factor of anti selection. Anti selection can correctly be defined as the

Correct Answer:D

Question 3

- (Topic 3)
One among the following is a reason that limit access to health care for US people.

Correct Answer:B

Question 4

- (Topic 1)
All CDHP products provide federal tax advantages while allowing consumers to save money for their healthcare.

Correct Answer:A

Question 5

- (Topic 3)
Which out of the three is accomplished through precertification?

Correct Answer:C

Question 6

- (Topic 3)
The situation wherein two hospitals agree to each refuse to contract with a health plan until the health plan cease contract negotiations with a competing hospital is known as

Correct Answer:C