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EC-Council 212-82: Certified Cybersecurity Technician(C|CT)

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Question 1

Myles, a security professional at an organization, provided laptops for all the employees to carry out the business processes from remote locations. While installing necessary applications required for the business, Myles has also installed antivirus software on each laptop following the company's policy to detect and protect the machines from external malicious events over the Internet.
Identify the PCI-DSS requirement followed by Myles in the above scenario.

Correct Answer:C
The correct answer is C, as it identifies the PCI-DSS requirement followed by Myles in the above scenario. PCI-DSS is a set of standards that aims to protect cardholder data and ensure secure payment transactions. PCI-DSS has 12 requirements that cover various aspects of security such as network configuration, data encryption, access control, vulnerability management, monitoring, and testing. PCI-DSS requirement no 5.1 states that “Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software or programs”. In the above scenario, Myles followed this requirement by installing antivirus software on each laptop to detect and protect the machines from external malicious events over the Internet. Option A is incorrect, as it does not identify the PCI-DSS requirement followed by Myles in the above scenario. PCI-DSS requirement no 1.3.2 states that “Do not allow unauthorized outbound traffic from the cardholder data environment to the Internet”. In the above scenario, Myles did not follow this requirement, as there was no mention of outbound traffic or cardholder data environment. Option B is incorrect, as it does not identify the PCI-DSS requirement followed by Myles in the above scenario. PCI-DSS requirement no 1.3.5 states that “Restrict inbound and outbound traffic to that which is necessary for the cardholder data environment”. In the above scenario, Myles did not follow this requirement, as there was no mention of inbound or outbound traffic or cardholder data environment. Option D is incorrect, as it does not identify the PCI-DSS requirement followed by Myles in the above scenario. PCI-DSS requirement no 1.3.1 states that “Implement a firewall configuration that restricts connections between publicly accessible servers and any system component storing cardholder data”. In the above scenario, Myles did not follow this requirement, as there was no mention of firewall configuration or publicly accessible servers or system components storing cardholder data.
References: Section 5.2

Question 2

An IoT device that has been placed in a hospital for safety measures, it has sent an alert command to the server. The network traffic has been captured and stored in the Documents folder of the Attacker Machine-1. Analyze the loTdeviceTraffic.pcapng file and select the appropriate command that was sent by the IoT device over the network.

Correct Answer:C
Temp_High is the command that was sent by the IoT device over the network in the above scenario. An IoT (Internet of Things) device is a device that can connect to the internet and communicate with other devices or systems over a network. An IoT device can send or receive commands or data for various purposes, such as monitoring, controlling, or automating processes. To analyze the IoT device traffic file and determine the command that was sent by the IoT device over the network, one has to follow these steps:
✑ Navigate to the Documents folder of Attacker-1 machine.
✑ Double-click on loTdeviceTraffic.pcapng file to open it with Wireshark.
✑ Click on Analyze menu and select Display Filters option.
✑ Enter udp.port == 5000 as filter expression and click on Apply button.
✑ Observe the packets filtered by the expression.
✑ Click on packet number 4 and expand User Datagram Protocol section in packet details pane.
✑ Observe the data field under User Datagram Protocol section.
The data field under User Datagram Protocol section is 54:65:6d:70:5f:48:69:67:68 , which is hexadecimal representation of Temp_High , which is the command that was sent by the IoT device over the network.

Question 3

Brielle. a security professional, was instructed to secure her organization's network from malicious activities. To achieve this, she started monitoring network activities on a control system that collected event data from various sources. During this process. Brielle observed that a malicious actor had logged in to access a network device connected to the organizational network. Which of the following types of events did Brielle identify in the above scenario?

Correct Answer:C
Success audit is the type of event that Brielle identified in the above scenario. Success audit is a type of event that records successful attempts to access a network device or resource. Success audit can be used to monitor authorized activities on a network, but it can also indicate unauthorized activities by malicious actors who have compromised credentials or bypassed security controls4.
References: Success Audit Event

Question 4

Miguel, a professional hacker, targeted an organization to gain illegitimate access to its critical information. He identified a flaw in the end-point communication that can disclose the target application's data.
Which of the following secure application design principles was not met by the application in the above scenario?

Correct Answer:C
Exception handling is a secure application design principle that states that the application should handle errors and exceptions gracefully and securely, without exposing sensitive information or compromising the system’s functionality. Exception handling can help prevent attackers from exploiting errors or exceptions to gain access to data or resources or cause denial-of-service attacks. In the scenario, Miguel identified a flaw in the end-point communication that can disclose the target application’s data, which means that the application did not meet the exception handling principle.

Question 5

Walker, a security team member at an organization, was instructed to check if a deployed cloud service is working as expected. He performed an independent examination of cloud service controls to verify adherence to standards through a review of objective evidence. Further, Walker evaluated the services provided by the CSP regarding security controls, privacy impact, and performance.
Identify the role played by Walker in the above scenario.

Correct Answer:A
A cloud auditor is a role played by Walker in the above scenario. A cloud auditor is a third party who examines controls of cloud computing service providers. Cloud auditor performs an audit to verify compliance with the standards and expressed his opinion through a report89. A cloud provider is an entity that provides cloud services, such as infrastructure, platform, or software, to cloud consumers10. A cloud carrier is an entity that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services between cloud providers and cloud consumers10. A cloud consumer is an entity that uses cloud services for its own purposes or on behalf of another entity

Question 6

Maisie. a new employee at an organization, was given an access badge with access to only the first and third floors of the organizational premises. Maisie Hied scanning her access badge against the badge reader at the second-floor entrance but was unsuccessful. Identify the short-range wireless communication technology used by the organization in this scenario.

Correct Answer:A
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a short-range wireless communication technology that uses radio waves to identify and track objects. RFID tags are attached to objects and RFID readers scan the tags to obtain the information stored in them. RFID is commonly used for access control, inventory management, and identification3. References: What is RFID?