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CIW 1D0-61C: CIW Network Technology Associate

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Question 1

The Internet has enabled many new anti-social activities, such as online stalking, cyberbullying, and addiction to solitary online activities. Which choice is the most feasible way for schools and parents to reduce cyberbullying?

Correct Answer:D

Question 2

Which term describes the practice of actively collecting wireless networking data from companies and individuals?

Correct Answer:A

Question 3

When comparing IPv4 to IPv6, which of the following is an advantage of the IPv6 network addressing scheme?

Correct Answer:A

Question 4

Three hardware devices need to communicate with the CPU simultaneously. Which of the following will each device need to issue?

Correct Answer:C

Question 5

Gwen works for a small company where she has been asked to find a cost-effective option for providing comprehensive customer service. The finance, technical support, sales and customer service departments all need to share information about their customers. Gwen is considering adoption of a customer relationship management (CRM) application. Which of the following would be the most cost-effective solution?

Correct Answer:C

Question 6

Sam is a professor at a small college. Due to a scheduling conflict, he was unable to obtain access to the computer lab to give the final exam. As an alternative, he asked students to bring their own devices (BYOD) and connect to the college’s Wi-Fi for network access. What security risk is associated with this implementation?

Correct Answer:C